Baterias sony vt5 falsas fake reconocer comprobar

Como reconocer las baterías Sony VTC5 falsas – Guía con imagenes.


Las baterias de Sony, en espacial las de la familia VTC son ampliamente reconocidas como baterias de calidad, seguridad  y gran rendimiento por vapers de todos los rincones del planeta. como era de esperar de todo producto que genere muchas ventas, las baterías Sony VTC5 han sido clonadas, situacion que puede resultar no solo desagradable sino que muy peligroso para la salud.

A continuacion os coparto una serie de imagenes para reconocer las baterias Sony VT% falsas. el artículo completo lo podéis encontrar ne la web de SunVapers.

Fake seam sony vtc5

Fake dot matrix vtc5

Font alignment vtc5

Postive comparison vtc5
In the image there is not much to see, both fakes I have came with sticky stuff on the positive. The positive seems only slightly raised. But this difference was hard to photograph.

Negative side fake vtc5

This part was more or less fun for me since I am a fan of batteries and what it could possibly mean for our future.   Honestly the battery itself is NOT TERRIBLE it works and will probably get the job done if needed.

The issue is the lack of credibility, we just don’t know how dangerous it could be and because of the credibility issue can we ever trust what the manufacturer would claim???? It does not produce 2.6 Ah and at 30 amps it WILL get super hot.

I have tested the battery and compared it to a real Sony VTC5!

Fake vtc5 capacity

Fake sony vtc5 discharge curve

Fake vtc5 50 watts curve


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